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Most of the children we see receive individual therapy, because this is the most effective format to target many of the skills the children need to learn. We sometimes run small groups for social skills (pragmatics), if we have clients that need this type of service.

Our individual therapy sessions are typically 1 hour or 45 minutes. We find these session lengths to be the most effective, but some children do need shorter or longer sessions. Even young children do well with this session length because we vary the activities within the session, according to the child's needs. The last 10 minutes of the therapy session are used to write homework and discuss the session & homework activities with the parents.

Parents are always welcome to observe the therapy session, and this helps you better understand the homework activities and the therapy process. We do ask that you observe quietly, except for the times that the therapist includes you in an activity, because otherwise children will often become distracted and our time is less effective.

Click here for information about insurance reimbursement.


To schedule an appointment, contact us at:
phone (408) 371-4004 or e-mail info@creativecommunicationforkids.com

Creative Communication for Kids

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